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The Bold & The Beautiful

The Bold & The Beautiful Spoilers: Thomas and Paris Are Engaged!

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Shock follows shock this week on The Bold & The Beautiful! Tom confronts Poppy at home, and Hope is stunned when Thomas reveals that he and Paris are engaged!

After Tom and Poppy locked eyes at Il Giardino, it was clear that the two share some kind of past together. And now it’s catching up with her! Poppy opens the door to find Tom standing there with a pizza box. “Pizza delivery… Poppy,” Tom taunts. Leaning in, Poppy lowers her voice to hiss: “What are you doing here?!” 

B&B Tom Poppy
What is Tom’s connection to Poppy?CBS

Thomas has come home with Douglas… and some big news! “I’m glad I’ve finally found someone who wants the same things as me,” he happily informs his father. But will Ridge approve of his son’s new relationship?

Hope’s happy reunion with Douglas and Thomas is short-lived as someone else steps into the picture. “What is going on here?” Hope asks, stunned. Thomas stands in the doorway with Douglas and Paris, who is sporting one heck of a diamond ring on her finger! “Paris and I are engaged,” Thomas announces. “We’re gonna be married.” But is this for real or just some elaborate scheme to trick Hope into agreeing to marry him instead? 

Here’s a preview of the drama you can expect this week on B&B!

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